Student Name and ID

Mohammed Abubakar



My name is Mohammed Abubakar and i am a software engineering student (backend track) at Altschool Africa school of engineering. My academic journey led me to the college of medicine, Ahmadu Bello university, Zaria where i obtained my first degree. I am a curious cat and with a spirit as bright as the sun, i fearlessly take on new challenges with unyieling determination and grace regardless of the complexity.

I am fluent in English and Hausa. I find french very beautiful and interesting and i am making concious effort to learn the language

As an introverted person, i find solace in reading African fiction. I also believe that in the vast landscape of human knowledge and immagination, there are those who navigate through multiple worlds, drawing inspiration from the intersection of diverse fields. I am a testament to the beauty of multidisciplinary passions and crafts. Often times, you will catch me talking about books, tech, medicine and yes, as a concerne citizen, i never fail to comment on the economy and falling value of our naira at any chance i get.

With an unwavering love for molecular research, neuroscience, and medicine, i hope to embark on a remarkable journey that bridges science and technology, demonstrating the rich tapestry of human curiosity and contributing to a better world.

Marche avec moi vers la lumière.

Reasons for joining Altschool

Goals and Aspirations

  1. My main goal is to be a seasoned backend web developer by 2024.
  2. I'm passionate about healthcare and i intend to explore the field of health tech
  3. Pursue a graduate degree
  4. Explore and invest in tech companies